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everything is fake until i interact with it, so you might be excited to hear that scarface materialized in full recently.

what a fantastic movie that was, i couldn't help but notice the soundtrack specifically... my god. giorgio moroder's gloomy and tense synths amplified every god damn scene they had a part in, especially the ending of the first half of the movie... wow...
i really need to watch more movies, every time i do i'm like "Wow that was awesome i should do this more" and then i never do, but that changes NOW! i'm gonna watch SOOO many movies YOU aren't going to have any for yourself. cue that image with the stinking rich fatass and the starving dude.

so yea, as part of this initiative i also rewatched big lebowski that same night. WITH a friend, but still!
big lebowski is the movie i always tell people is my favorite when i'm asked, but
i haven't watched it in quite a while and so i forgot a good chunk of it. honestly the written jokes themselves aren't nearly as funny as i remember, but the joy of this film mostly comes from how these characters interact with eachother.
i love the dude, i love donny, and i love every little cacophany that forms every time these characters talk. tho it was kind of a bad idea to be watching big lebowski right after scarface... i remembered a very important ending plot point happening somewhere in the middle of the movie, and that's because big lebowski kinda feels like in ends abruptly in the middle. not that it really matters anyway, movie's fantastic regardless.

FAVORITE doe? idk... rarely do i ever run into things that i like enough to be able to call them "my favorite". but, i understand that's overthinking it, so i'll just keep saying big lebowski.

and now i know what happens when you find a stranger in the alps.

i've watched some more since but i'm not going to do a write-up on every single movie i see. do i look like i have a letterboxd?

side note: i initially wanted to make this thing down here into a little blog-ish thing, with entries and stuff, but i think i kinda like the temporary nature of these uh... would you call them "posts"? it's like a status, but not commodified to all hell, y'know. fleeting, with some depth, if you may.
i think it's a nice, satisfying compromise for both sides of my internal war between always wanting to share how i'm feeling, what i'm up to and doing recently, and wanting to redact everything and speak as little and as vaguely as possible in hopes of keeping some semblance of "mystery" about my character, lol.
maybe one day i'll code in an intentional expiry date, if i wanna go the step further, and care enough!

i'll still probably rework this section to give it a little pizazz. i like pizazz.

goodnight, and good morning to those on the other side of the globe. and to everyone inbetween FUCK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!