this is what you hear when you enter my room i even have to tell you?
i believe the first video game i EVER played in my life was gta san andreas on my brother's computer, at like 3-4 years old.
you can imagine the rammifications of giving such a game to such a young mind (especially once i started to learn english years later... *shiver*),
but all in all: it's part of what made me into me.
aside from that, some of the other earliest video games i remember playing would be super mario 64 ON AN ACTUAL n64 (mind you, post-eastern bloc country, nintendo stuff wasn't very common here before the switch came out), sonic 3 & knuckles, and of course - the countless flash games hosted on, like electric man 2 or fireboy and watergirl.
i've always been mainly confined to playing games on my computer. sure, we did have a wii (from germany), a ps3 and a psp, but they were my brother's and minecwaft sewvuh waz on computow an i want minecwaft sewvuh. also piracy