• another weird gadget has been completed! wildly mobile-hostile.
  • temporarily removed the "perspective: 0" trick
  • body margins now adjust depending on whether or not the body width is odd or not (only on load tho). rejoice windows 11 users, the site is no longer blurry!
  • put the main.js file in the body on all pages, where it has more business being
  • font smoothing, begone! i've been waiting for this day
  • patapon 1 and 2 entry in the gechtag
  • cleaning up weird css from... 5 months ago now. wow.
  • adjusted how the top buttons function, as well as making them black.
P.S. this site's skeleton is a weird mix of "float: left" and after-the-fact flexbox.
  • on the music page, removed color from the post-its and made the knob turnable
  • nicely segregated scripts into their own folder
P.S. they say video killed the radio star, yet here i am building a radio instead of a video.
  • some about page reorganization, man page a little less... informative
  • more work on the radio, idk whether or not the amount of color on that page is TOO much for the monochromatic thing i'm going for...
  • pixel stuff is pixelated, big whoop
  • a buncha other more shit
  • the music page is receiving the "unintuitive gadget" treatment!
  • stuff preloads on about and games page for responsivity sake
  • new gechtag entry, lethal company!
  • the last early pond review is here. at least one person must be reading these.
  • additional tweaks to the gechtag, namely arrows that indicate in which direction you can scroll.
  • the G.E.C.H.T.A.G. is now functional, peek into it for plenty paragraphs of subjective information, with more to come!
  • greens pool EP review! the secret third and a half part of the early pond reviews!
  • frond review. honestly, i thought i'd be writing these more often
  • updates to the about site and music pages, delving into some more topics
  • along with smaller updates to the other about pages
  • i took the foobar pill, i will now sprinkle bits and pieces of the fact i use it into my personality until the novelty eventually wears off
  • christmastime is over, site back to normal
  • pushed the changes i made to the gechtag since last time, still not done cuz i just don't feel like dealing with JS' bullshit right now.
  • games page now has the GECHTAG! (Great Encyclopedia Containing Harrazel's Thoughts About Games). not functional yet, but you can gawk at parappa. he's there to entertain.
  • christmas decor is up!
  • continuation of the early pond reviews, Corridors Of Blissterday
  • first real review is up, and it's pond's first album: Psychedelic Mango
  • recap of what november's been like for me in the birdie's box
  • added a new button to the cool sites list
  • update log condensed even further, was getting QUITE long!
  • about page icons have been laid around, moved the kgatlw page link inside of the music page.
  • a LOT of long overdue clean-up: the page is finally an EVEN 1080px, began fragmenting my main.css file, reworded some things on certain pages to make more sense, etc.
  • the hustler's clause has been added, it's an idea i found to be pretty funny.
    i doubt anyone will actually take me up on it (especially considering how tucked away it is), but IMAGINE tho...
P.S. the solution to my problems all along was adding one pixel to the body's right margin... at least i don't have to suffer with that anymore.
  • the comms channel is now a box on the main page, i hated how big it made the page whenever i'd write something long
  • custom tooltips! instant like i wanted them to be.
P.S. running out of ideas for this again (or rather, ideas on how to put my ideas into practice) + other things beckon more and more for my attention. i'll still write in the comms channel tho cuz it's fun to do that; it's a surprisingly effective way to clear your mind of rubbish!
  • made some adjustments to the icons on the about page, i'll scatter them 'round soon
  • I Added A Bird
  • first reviews entry, little preamble before i get into it
  • the about page finally has icons! i'm torn between putting them all in a grid and just laying them about randomly (as though they were disorganized thoughts in my head)
  • reviews page finished and ready to be filled with words!
  • about page for games i like is there, i wanted to get rid of the last link that didn't lead anywhere
  • MORE review page constructions
  • i added a chat to the reviews page, powered by chattable!
  • an about page concerning the music i like
  • some more review page constructions
  • did some work on the reviews page, finally!
  • a new about me page, kind of how i intended for it to feel like at first
  • talking. Lots and Lots of talking
  • added some stuff to the yt about page
P.S. i'm excited to get back into chiseling this site again, so many ideas!
  • added a new button, kewl comic.
  • just some tidying and a faux reviews page
  • a page concerning my desire to see the stars as they truly are
  • a very TBD about page concerning my hobby of collecting vinyl records. i'll have it be cool one day but for now it's just a list and some quick thoughts
  • stuff, & things!
  • went into full geek mode over king gizzard
P.S. i couldn't get the 7 day streak, an evil wizard cast a spell on me that made me wanna play videogames instead
  • an about page concerning my love for king gizzard has been created
P.S. i'm trying to get a 7 day update streak so that i can redeem my 50 diamonds or something
  • the about page guy now glows on hover. doesn't work EXACTLY how i'd like it to but if i feel like it i'll get back to that and tweak it. just uhh... don't do it too much, capiche?
  • laid out a couple of personal subjects i wanna make an about page on
  • notice how that update below is uncollapsed? from now on i'll have the TWO latest updates be like that
  • the main page has been finalized and is ready to serve as the main page for the forseeable future. might still add things to it tho
  • the clock is now awesome. is it very readable? maybe not as much... but its got soul! also it now shows Central European Time instead of local time
P.S. the main purpose of the clock originally was for me to have an analog clock i could sync Timeland up to, but now you can see what time it is for me! not sure what use that information would have, but it's more useful than that!
  • added the unstyled skeleton of a clock to the main page, currently it just reads your local time but in the future i'll have it pull Central European Time instead
  • new section on the website about page, regarding the design of the website
  • MAIN PAGE CONSTRUCTIONS!! moved the latest update and to do thingies to the main page, turns out there's no real reason in having that be shown all the time!
  • this also shortened out the little section on the right which is good because it got WAAAAYY too long
  • went back and added more alt text for stuff, apparently a good thing to do!
P.S. i am honestly quite shocked i was able to get back into a good rhythm without much trouble. God sites are fun
  • added an about page regarding my youtube channel, accidentally vented. how personal is TOO personal?
  • continuing to build up the about page, brick by brick
  • button delivery! one's cool and one's funny
  • planning to make a more permanent main page, idk if it should be some sort of... mini-blog? or what?
  • i added a guestbook which you can access by clicking that cool little graphic i made on the right :) i wasn't completely sure whether or not i wanted a guestbook in the first place and even then i originally wanted one that is built INTO the site. that's too much work tho, so i have this which i think is still neat
  • i've been doing more work on the about page, not much more to say there
  • i was a little special and instead of making the last.fm widget load with the panels on the right, i made it load 100ms after the page in general. this resulted in it sometimes not loading. i have corrected this.
P.S. i think i might take a break and start slowing down with these updates,
i'm mostly happy with how the site is atm and i'm starting to run out of steam,
so i think taking a break might be the right call
  • these sweet ass update logs are collapsible now! less endless scrolling! :D
  • sweeped up most JS into one neat file
  • did some work on the about page, try to find the one existing page
    (you're a pussy if you use my feed to see what pages i added)
  • my last.fm panel now detects albums and can display special messages for them! i'll use this at some point for something but rn it's just for Murder of the Universe (and for alt text)
  • OK this is from later in the day and i think i'm done tinkering with the widget, i'm happy with how it functions rn. here's the list of blurbs for albums at this moment: (hover to see)
    • Murder of the Universe - King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizardthis is my fav album!
    • Hellfire - black midiRIP black midi [*]
    • The Weather - Pondpeak... its peak
    • Lonerism - Tame Impalacurrents WISHES it was almost as good
oh my oh my
  • the update page is now here, once the updates get too numerous i'll try to compress these somehow
  • the about page is here, tho its WIP and was technically added yesterday but whatever
  • now you can see my last played song on last.fm! it doesn't detect whether or not the song is currently playing or not yet, i'm working on that
  • added a custom marquee. i didn't just parrot code from somewhere else, i swear! i can't pinky promise for... um... reasons...
  • wrote up and added the final touches to the main page, it's time...
  • organized my site directory
  • decided on a title naming scheme
  • external links now open new tabs
  • animated page title!
  • switched from MM/DD/YYYY to DD/MM/YYYY, forgot i'm NOT american
  • this whole panel on the right is global across all (soon-to-be) pages, thanks gavyn!
  • a bunch of little undocumented changes, i'm finishing up the foundations so that i may start creating more pages with peace of mind
  • added guy™
  • gavyn's button
  • started honoring our benefactors (+ in style!)
  • made my own button and added a button panel along with it! you can click it to copy html code to add onto your website, if you want to!
  • reformatted the main page update log, will only show most recent update from now on
  • lotsa stuff i think
  • i made the page more rigid so that the pixel theme stays sharp more
    (sorry mobile phonesnot really)
  • unique domain! yippie!
  • had to make the container an odd 1079px width because of the scrollbar
  • favicon :D
  • website is up :) more work is in progress, me swear.
  • i was referring to the wrong domain
  • jesus christ is born