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trying to get the cogs whirring again, wanna talk about corn kidz 64. i know
i already wrote this in the december thing, but i REALLY loved that
game. i'm hoping if i write a bit more sporadically and with less, uh... consideration, so to speak, that i'd be able to write it with some more
peace of mind. of course,
i gotta replay the game too.
though, thinking about doing that inherently makes me write a certain way... trying to trick your brain is not easy! reinventing this process is
gonna be hard.
i still feel a degree of shame when talking about this. it's like i'm a rat in a cage with 4000 other rats, tearing through skin, flesh and bone to
get to the cheese.
comparison truly is the theft of joy. curse this filthy rat existence!
feels better to re-acknowledge that than to not.
life's fun to think about as a biiiiig chain. i'm a link on it, and so are you. how close are we? how far? probably very. i hope for our sake that neither of us break.