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10/3/2025 - (MAR10)

19 years ago today, amongst great pains and screams, a wrinkly, wet thing started poking out its little head into this simultaneously ugly and beautiful world. that little head went on to be what is my current big head, though i'm not so wet anymore.

on this particular day i'd like to share a fun experience commemorating that.

somewhere in 2021, i asked my dad if i could have his ancient nokia phone. he didn't mind giving it to me, and so i took it and ripped a bunch of old photos off the SD card, buncha pictures of me in there. now, i've seen pictures of myself as a little kid many times before, i've seen these exact photos too! there's a very specific video on there that's lodged itself into my head of a less-than-2 year old me hitting things around our old house with the hilt of a plastic medieval sword as i'm holding it by the "blade", and then my dad chasing me around (playfully, of course) while i'm making high-pitched juvenile noises. so yeah, i ripped those to sit on my hard drive for ease of access; they're fun to look at.

this particular ordeal happened sometime last year; i was bored and looking at these pictures, so i decided to look at their properties - y'know, see their exact date - and... until then, it never truly set in for me before just how old these moments in time are. to see these pictures of me dated 2006, 2007, 2008, some even the SAME MONTH i was born, on my modern pc running windows 10... in the very same fashion that some picture of a cool rat i downloaded last month is dated?

weird, weird feeling.

it gets me thinking about how that'd be like now, these were photos and videos captured on a very compact nokia phone with a t9 keyboard, camera quality to match (especially on the videos), so there is still that past "blurriness" to it, sorta barring it from feeling "real" real. but now, the phones we carry around have very good cameras, even the lower-end stuff comparatively has magnitudes greater picture quality than these bricks of yore. how would that feel, to look at a candid video of you as a baby that looks like it was taken yesterday?

but it also helps me to realize. it's a little funny how often i'll look at something released in 2005 or any year adjacent and i'll go like "oh that's not that long ago", despite the fact that i was barely even a concept at that point, and really cannot fully comprehend more time than i've experienced. i s'pose that's what happens when you hang around people older than you for much of your life.