this is my little corner of the web that i've been actively carving out for myself since late august 2024

this place is born of fatigue from the general state of the web as it is right now. and yeah yeah, i know, i'm the first one to be pointing this out on neocities.
but really, over the past few days before i started building this site, i had really grown fucking tired of social media. i've never really been big on it, but over the past few years, i'd been using twitter and reddit... alarmingly often, so to speak.

i had always placed a little bit of a limit on this stuff, like for example: making sure i don't have these kinds of apps on my phone so i don't waste away while OUTSIDE, but having these counterbalances in place didn't change the fact that every minute spent on these places sucked. one could say i didn't really like having some invisible robot shovel heaps of 280 character shit into my feed, that half the time just made me angry (DESPITE HOW MUCH I TRIED TO FILTER IT), authored by another gray face in the restrictive cubicle that is modern web design.

and so! i've been dumping such services one by one, and now i'm left with just youtube... and this place. and oh my, is it so much better.

making my own website has been one of the most fulfilling endeavors i've undertaken in my life. it's crazy how much more fun the web is when you can customize more than just how your banner and profile picture looks like!
and ANYTHING can be animated! not to mention that the wider neocities community seems to be pretty damn open and friendly, all things considered.

this is a wholly personal site so there's a lot of stuff you don't care for... and some stuff that maybe you DO care for?

i hope you're liking it so far :)


as for the site itself, it's built with firefox in mind and made with a 1920x1080 screen, but it's fine down to like 1280x720.

the layout is loosely inspired by late 2000's to early 2010's sites (this one in particular), and of course very much inspired in parts by other cool sites hosted here on neocities. but the main source of inspiration for this site... is my heart...