Team Fortress 2
year - 2007
genre - Online FPS

i'm not particularly an fps guy, but i'm even less of an online fps guy. CoD makes me roll my eyes, competitive-focused games like Overwatch deeply disinterest me,
i have genuine hatred for Counter-Strike.

and yet, tf2, despite its classification as exactly that, is one of my favorite games of all time.

and it's not even necessarily because of the whole competitiveness thing (though it is a factor), most of the gameplay mechanics in tf2 are just so much infinitely more fun to me than in something like Counter-Strike, where bullet spread does not make any fucking sense, and if you die you must wait an excruciatingly long amount of time before you get to play the dumb game again.

no, in tf2 i get to do fun movement as the scout and rocket jump around as the soldier and do flare gun crits as the pyro, and so on and so forth.

trust me, i know tf2 has plenty of its own issues, but i will always take those over being placed in a Valorant lobby.